meet the
A team is only as strong as its individuals, and we at CHEEKEEBEE believe this to be true. You can think of us as the real life version of Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" music video. The POWERHOUSE is made of independent thinkers with various backgrounds which only fuel our mission of human-informed fashion design. We work together to highlight human stories and their connections to fashion.
Where are you least comfortable?
When people don't like me, or talk about me behind my back. I get insecure around my "friends" because I'm constantly questioning if I'm likeable enough. I love meeting new people, though it does make me on edge if I'm not their flavor. I'm a really comfortable person. I'm comfortable anywhere but I like to be outside. The basketball court is where I feel most comfortable, where I feel the most like myself. I get a sort of confidence from being on the court.
Why does it make you uncomfortable when people don't like you?
When people don't like me, I feel like I am doing something to make them dislike me. I always blame myself for doing something wrong, like "crap, I need to fix it" rather than just accepting that I just might not be for everyone. I want to help people, and I can't do that if they don't like me, so I feel like I'm hurting them.
Insecurities never truly go away, they may shift but there is always a voice in your head, so, what do you do to distract from your insecurities?
Something I've always done is fill empty space with talking. When I get nervous I fill silence with random words and I'll just go on and on. If I'm with a group of people and no one's talking, I'll try to start a conversation to fix the quiet. But I get more weird looks when I start doing that, versus if there was just an awkward silence in conversation. I do it more to distract from my own insecurities that I notice when it's quiet. It's more like "Oh, I feel insecure so I'm going to talk."
How do you present yourself?
It depends on where I'm going. So I definitely adhere to social norms of dress. I don't care what I look like at school because I don't care what my classmates think of me. But if I'm going out to dinnerI'll put more effort into my appearance. I dress to impress my outer family. They always come to my basketball games and I don't want them to always see me sweaty in a uniform, so when I visit them I'll dress up. Or to go to my boyfriend's cause I don't want him and his family to think I'm a slob.
How has being an athlete affected how you portray yourself?
Because of basketball, I am more outgoing and willing to talk to new people. Specifically with AAU Club basketball, you don't know anyone at tryouts, or practice, or tournaments, so it's up to you to build relationships with teammates. I get a lot of confidence from my faith. I know there is a plan for me, so I try not to worry about the future too much. My dad always says, "don't get your confidence from your friends, because if you aren't seeing eye to eye with your friends, that shouldn't affect your confidence. You are who you are, and you need to be confident in that."
Do you have a persona?
In terms of presentation, what I put out there matches my personality. I like bright, bubbly colors. Pinks and blues. Lululemon fits my personality. It's practical for my lifestyle. I have a lot of clothes that my friends wouldn't wear. I like a nice surprise in my closet. My style is pretty all over the place, like me. When I go to church I feel like I can wear whatever I want because I don't know anyone there, and people won't judge you. I am definitely aware judgement, but it doesn't really make me insecure. So many things in my closet, I've worn around my friends and I totally got judged. I just don't really care. ◎